tecladocode rest-apis-flask-python: Projects and e-book for our course, REST APIs with Flask and Python

After you navigate to the project folder, it’s a good idea to create and activate a virtual environment. That way, you’re installing any project dependencies not system-wide but only in your project’s virtual environment. You’ll create a foundation with a basic Flask project then add endpoints and connect them to a SQLite database. You’ll test your API with Swagger UI API documentation that you’ll build along the way.

  • Once you commit new_person to the database, your database engine assigns a new primary key value and a UTC-based timestamp to the object.
  • As per the analysis of StackOverflow, Python is known to be one of the fast-growing programming languages.
  • Internally, the Flask app is still created, but it now has additional functionality added to it.
  • Once we have a small Flask application working in the form of a home page, we’ll iterate on this site, turning it into a functioning API.
  • When you interact with a database in your Python code, you may think twice about whether you want to write pure SQL commands.
  • Open the POSTMAN API tool and hit on each HTTP method request.

The status code 200 will show that the request is a success. When the initialization is over, we can write the code for the endpoints that will let us consume the APIs. We will read and write data from only one file and have only one endpoint. The URL for this endpoint can be localhost/users when you are testing with the local machine, or -website-name.com/users when you have deployed it online. From scratch, Flask was created keeping simplicity and scalability in mind.

Jinja2 is one of the most used template engines for Python. It is inspired by Django’s templating system but extends it…

Conceptually, you can think of a database table as a two-dimensional array where the rows are records, and the columns are fields in those records. SQLAlchemy provides an object-relational model , which stores each Python object to a database representation of the object’s data. That can help you continue to think in a Pythonic way and not be concerned with how the object data will be represented in a database. By using the sqlalchemy option, you also install packages that helps your Flask app leverage the powers of SQLAlchemy.

restful api python flask

Marshmallow also makes sure that all attributes are present and contain the expected data type. Using SQLAlchemy allows you to think in terms of objects with behavior rather than dealing with raw SQL. This becomes even more beneficial when your database tables become larger and the interactions more complex. Inheriting from db.Model gives Person the SQLAlchemy features to connect to the database and access its tables. Line 4 imports db, an instance of SQLAlchemy that you defined in the config.py module. This gives models.py access to SQLAlchemy attributes and methods.

Suggested Reading

Post request allows a client to send data to the server, which will be processed by the server and saved to the database. Finally, you serialize your Python objects with .dump() and return the data of all the people as a response to the REST API call. With load_instance, you’re able to deserialize JSON data and load Person model instances from it. Finally, you instantiate two schemas, person_schema and people_schema, that you’ll use later. Marshmallow helps you to create a PersonSchema class, which is like the SQLAlchemy Person class you just created. The PersonSchema class defines how the attributes of a class will be converted into JSON-friendly formats.

  • Here we talk about access token JWTs, as well as refresh tokens, JWT claims, blocklists, password hashing, and more.
  • If the last name is unique, then you deserialize the person object as new_person and add it db.session.
  • However, before we start building our own API, it may be useful to discuss how APIs are useful for researchers.
  • The simplest endpoint that retrieves data from PostgreSQL is our global average endpoint, /api/average.
  • Here, we use DATE to turn the date column into a PostgreSQL DATE. Then when we use DISTINCT with that, it selects only the different individual dates.
  • The return value of read_all() is a list of dictionaries with information about a person.

All of this can happen when you create a configuration file that your Flask application can access. In this three-part tutorial series, you’ll build a REST API to keep track of notes for people that may visit restful api python flask you throughout the year. In this tutorial, you’ll create people like the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and Knecht Ruprecht. The return value from a function in a Flask app should be JSON serializable.

Everything You Need To Know For The Resume Parser API

It’s a great PostgreSQL provider, and you can get free small databases from them. Notice that a resource for Java is returned in the JSON object. Although RESTful APIs typically access data from a database, this tutorial does not cover the details of integrating with a database.

restful api python flask

All you need is a UTC timestamp and the destination time zone. The event system generates events that are useful in event-driven programs, but it adds significant overhead. Since you’re not creating an event-driven program, you turn this feature off.

Create a minimal Flask application.

First, we create a primary function to match username and password and a GET method that says that anyone who hits on this API so without login we cannot access the data. In the next part of this series, you’ll extend your REST API so that you can create, read, update, and delete notes. Every note will be connected to a person, so you’ll add relationships between notes and people to your database. Flask is a web framework for Python, meaning that it provides functionality for building web applications, including managing HTTP requests and rendering templates. In this section, we will create a basic Flask application.

By doing so, you learned how the Connexion module helps you build a nice REST API and interactive documentation. Currently you have a REST API running with a single URL endpoint. Your Flask app knows what to serve based on your API specification in swagger.yml. Additionally, Connexion uses swagger.yml to create API documentation for you. Before continuing on your way to building out your REST API with multiple endpoints, take a moment and explore the API a bit more in the next section. In line 7, you tell the app instance to read the swagger.yml file from the specification directory and configure the system to provide the Connexion functionality.

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